Welcome to the beginning of the search.  Please be sure to print out and read the General Instructions.  The instructions contain extremely valuable information that will help you to complete your profile.

Some important dates to keep in mind EVERY YEAR:


Scholarships open:  February 1

Scholarships close:  April 1, 2021

Scholarships awarded:  Convocation

Acceptance due:  June 30


 - Click here for a printable PDF of the GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - REGULAR (SENIOR) EDUCATION .

- Click here to download a PDF of instruction on HOW TO FILL OUT A PROFILE IN CHAPTERNET.


If you have any questions regarding the components (instructions, links, etc.) of the website click on "Support" on any of the profile pages.  If you need to know more about how the scholarship process works, please email


Thank you,
Monomoy Dollars for Scholars